Time—Master or Slave?


Ammar Hafeez, 2T3 MAM

Instagram: @ammar_hafeez502

Facebook: /ammar.hafeez.921

Time is precious, time is limited, time is irreversible—so, lost time can never be recovered. I’m sure that you have heard of these sayings—and many more—about time. You will not disagree with me when I say that they highly idealize time. While what they assert is true and they are not necessarily wrong to put time on such a high pedestal, it is important to not become obsessed with time.

Never think that time spent on self-care is wasted. Never think that you have absolutely no time to spend with your friends and family. Never think that the time you spend on your hobbies could be better spent somewhere else. Never think that it’s too late for you to pursue your passions.

Based on my observations and interactions with people this year, it seems that certain groups of individuals are more susceptible to developing an unhealthy obsession with time. In particular, I want to share these messages with all students, classmates, and those with busy schedules. 

You want to use your time wisely, but don’t let it dictate every second of your life. 

Take control of time. Don’t let time control you.

Signing off—for now!

Reflect: What does good use of time mean to you? How strict are you in following a daily schedule? What does a typical work week look like for you?


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