Cover of Whitney Houston's "I Wanna Dance with Somebody"

Jonathan Zhao, 2T5 PB

Artist’s Statement: When a friend asked if I wanted to submit a piece for Palette earlier this year, I said I’d record something if I could find a song that was special to me. I came across Whitney Houston’s song, “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” and immediately knew this was the song.

This was a song I sang to audition for Daffydil last semester. Daffydil has been such a big part of my life. Whenever we are rehearsing or filming, I completely forget about the stresses of school and get lost in the silliness of musical theatre. But while singing and dancing are always fun, it’s really the company that makes the experience. So, I’d like to dedicate this cover to all the members of our Daffamily.

*Backing track was purchased off Sing2Music Productions Pty Ltd, audio files were mixed with Audacity


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