You Feel Like Home

Violet Galliard, 2T5 MAM

I spent years trying to be this person I thought I had to be
But underneath all the bells and whistles
They saw me

Flaws and everything
they chose to stay
and I am eternally grateful for that
every day

Not a doubt in my mind
My friends are truly,
one of a kind

They are the people in your life who are there for you
Always in your corner
Your number one supporter

Every day I am grateful
For the friends who stand by me
When they certainly don’t have to
But day in and day out,
they still do

We are all in different places
In life
But we are tied together
By a bond that can never be severed

But most of all,
I found myself in the people I love
A piece of me in each of them
And when I feel lost
I go to them
And I stick around
Because with them, I know who I am
I am found

Here’s to the friends who always feel like home


Why fear uncertainty?


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