32F POD1 D&C for RPOC following SVD
Seth Kibel, 2T3 WB
Artist's Statement: I wrote this piece at the start of 3rd year on OB/GYN. It grew out of a feeling of dissonance between deeply intimate and meaningful interactions with patients and the dehumanizing nature of clinical assessments and medical documentation/charting. I'm navigating these two worlds—trying to distill this patient's most heartbreaking moment into a concise set of abbreviations. All potentially identifying patient information has been anonymized.
32F POD1 D&C for RPOC following SVD di/di twins at GA 20w due to PPROM resulting in FD
“Go see 302-A”
She’s sleeping. dreaming of her babies.
If I wake her, am I taking away her babies again?
Wait, G1P1? Is it G2P2? Maybe G1P2?
I can tell there are no goodbyes. just holding them. this is all they get. don’t want it spent on goodbyes.
Disch FU MRP OB 4-6w
I’ll let her sleep.