Sachi Dow - 2T5: A Fashion Series

Sachi Dow - WB

What inspired this outfit? 

The pants and top are hand-me-downs from my mom. I would say that she inspires my style a lot. She’s an architect, and true to the stereotype, she wears a lot of black and so focuses on form in her style a lot, which I try to take inspiration from.


How would you describe your personal style? 

It’s really in flux, especially since I cut my hair recently, and so my style has been changing. I tend to wear a lot of black and feel most comfortable when my clothes feel androgynous on me.

 How did you get into fashion?

I really didn’t like clothes or clothes shopping until I started seeing queer people style clothing in ways that felt innovative, bold, and diverse. From there it became a lot more fun and freeing to experiment with personal style, incorporating Japanese elements from my mom and grandma as a way to connect to my family’s background as well.


Current favourite piece in your closet?

These Japanese construction worker pants from my mom have been a favourite piece of mine for a while. They’re really comfortable and airy and have a unique silhouette to them which I really like.


Favourite place to shop OR who are your favourite designers

I don’t know if I have favourite designers specifically, but I do have plans to travel to Japan this summer and fill up my suitcase.



Ali AlMail - 2T5: A Fashion Series


Marta Karpinski - 2T5: A Fashion Series